Tech Policy Evolution & The Human Side of Moderating Terrorist Content (PART 2)
Tech Against TerrorismMarch 31, 2022x
00:30:1020.76 MB

Tech Policy Evolution & The Human Side of Moderating Terrorist Content (PART 2)

Welcome back to part 2 of our deep dive into tech platform policy around countering terrorism and violent extremism. In this episode, we’re getting insight from Zoom and Clubhouse into how their community standards have been developed with tackling harmful content in mind.

In this episode, Anne Craanen speaks to Jessica Mason, Head of Global Policy and Public Affairs at Clubhouse, and Josh Parecki, Head of Trust and Safety at Zoom. They provide a tech platform perspective on what informs their counterterrorism policies, why each platform faces different challenges in implementing their policies, and what’s being done to support tech companies navigate these difficult trust and safety challenges. Fabienne Tarrant, a Senior Policy Analyst at Tech Against Terrorism, also explains how Tech Against Terrorism supports tech companies develop and strengthen these policies through mentorship and knowledge sharing.

If you missed part 1, Anne spoke to Charlotte Willner who’s the Executive Director at the Trust and Safety Professional Association, about her work as one of Facebook’s early content moderators and how the Trust and Safety landscape has changed since then. Charlotte shares valuable insight into the human side of moderating terrorist and violent extremist content online. 

To find out more about Tech Against Terrorism and our work, visit or follow us on Twitter @techvsterrorism, where you can find resources on this topic. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Tech Against Terrorism’s support to tech companies, you can find out about mentorship here, or background information about our Knowledge Sharing Platform here, which can be accessed following registration here

You can read more about Trust & Safety at Clubhouse here and Zoom here

You can learn more about the Trust & Safety Professional Association here.

terrorism,counter-terrorism,technology,moderation,safety,online,social media,extremism,Facebook,